Our organizations

How we deliver what people need & want so effectively

Linden Tree Education NCFE

Programs of learning for practitioner accreditation

The World’s Only Anxiety Recovery Practitioner Qualification

An Anxiety Recovery Coaching Qualification from The World’s Oldest Educational Establishment… The NCFE

The LAR Coaching accreditation is the start of a global revolution in anxiety recovery treatment.

Since 1997 LAR (Linden Anxiety Recovery) has provided over 200,000 people worldwide with programmes of anxiety recovery which include telephone and email support provided by BACP and BPS registered Anxiety Recovery Specialists and a wide range of supportive, reassuring and structured online and offline anxiety recovery resources. The programmes are available in printed and downloadable formats and in adult and junior versions.

In 2010, we introduced the Anxiety Recovery Retreats and Workshops, providing anxious people from around the world with residential programmes of recovery. The Retreats attract clients from every corner of the world and our Retreat last month, for example, attracted clients from Zambia, Canada, Australia and Germany, not to mention the ones from across the UK and Ireland.In 2010, we also introduced the TLM Anxiety Recovery Apps at the San Francisco Apple conference, which have been downloaded many thousands of times and continue to be the only anxiety recovery programmes on iTunes.

We now work in partnership with a number of national organisations and receive most of our programme referrals from GPs, psychologists and psychotherapists in both private and NHS practice, many of whom are opting to gain our Professional Coaching Accreditation.

Our professionals

Our in-house team of Specialists provide support and guidance to thousands of clients from Australia to South America and the testimonials, endorsements and statements we receive from clients underline the incredible curative results the programmes and our TLM team produce.

Guided Self-Help (NICE CG113), delivered by qualified LAR practitioners in structured anxiety recovery sessions, backed up by seamless, constant, professional support, reassurance and guidance, ensures a number of vital recovery components regardless of whether the client is within a private or public healthcare provision.

Helping private and government healthcare to deliver

The aspiration and focus of our work is on fulfilling the needs of private and public healthcare, this includes:    Elimination of the NHS’ current diagnosis to treatment waiting time (18 weeks) – Our  clients commence day one (Statistic correct  July 2015)   

Reduction of the ongoing responsibility of anxious patient care and support   
Reduction/elimination of ambulance call outs due to high anxiety and panic attacks   
Reduction of ‘frequent fliers’ utilising expensive resources   
Reduction in prescriptions through our medication reduction ethos/guidance   
Reduction of inappropriate GP appointments   
Reduction of clinical referrals to psychiatric care and/or hospitalization   
Reduction of referrals to mental health resources including counselling, day hospital etc.   
Increase in our clients returning to their workplace/school   
Reduction in family issues arising from the patient’s condition   
On-going life coaching and wellness coaching

How to achieve professional accreditation.

Those who wish to gain a formal qualification in LAR Therapy can gain accreditation through our NCFE Level 4 LAR Coaching Accreditation course.

Distance Learning through our MOODLE Learning Portal

NCFE Level 4 QualificationOur NCFE Coaching Accreditation Course provides a complete programme of learning based on a combination of Life Coaching practice, anxiety recovery Coaching and wellbeing Coaching enabling the qualified Coach to practice as a LAR Anxiety Recovery Coach anywhere in the world.

The qualification takes between 2 and 12 months and the duration of the course is solely dependent on the amount of available time the prospective Coach can dedicate to the course.

Programme materials will arrive through the post and assessments are carried out on submitted course work.

Coaches can operate from their own home or from a dedicated office or room.

LAR will provide bespoke marketing materials, letterheads and business cards.In organizationsLAR Coaches can be made available or employed by insurance companies, providing tier one anxiety recovery. implementation of TLM Coaching into an insurance company setting will dramatically reduce insurance payouts.Coaches may wish to operate within schools, colleges, universities or independent businesses. Having a dedicated stress and anxiety coach in your place of work can benefit both employees and service users, clients, students and pupils.

Examples of practice implementation:   

School or university nursing staff   
Company H&S officer   
Members of HR   
Dedicated health workerIn Public Healthcare practice (NHS)
Current NHS employees such as CPN’s, practice nurses, health visitors, psychotherapists or psychologists can add LAR Coaching to their practice.

LAR Coaches in NHS practice do not receive fees from LAR, the referral is made directly to LAR by the patient’s physician. The membership fees are paid by the CCG directly to LAR at a fixed rate per patient. The Coach receives all of the services and benefits of an independent Coach.

Visit http://www.larcoach.training

Charles Linden Media

Recovery Programs with Unlimited Professional Support

Charles Linden Media – A Unique Anxiety Disorder Solution Media Resource

“I will only ever provide truly uncompromised,  resources. If I believe it will deliver 100%, I’ll launch – Our team know me best for the line ‘Under-promise and over-deliver’.   Charles Linden. MD and Founder of the Linden Tree group of companies

Charles Linden’s ‘no compromise’ attitude has maintained the company’s reputation and integrity through 19 years and millions of people, from around the world, accessing our resources, programs and products.In every aspect of the business, from product development to support services, Charles and his team of Specialist Consultants work tirelessly to maintain the consistently high standards clients have come to expect.

CL Media’s many hundreds of programs, CDs, Audio files, video and written media resources are probably the most accessed in the field globally and Charles Linden’s media presence globally is untouched by anyone else in the field.Hay House publishing, the world’s largest self-help publishing house, who also publish some of Charles’ works call Charles…“The world’s only dedicated, accredited anxiety recovery therapy with unlimited support”

This is high praise indeed from a publishing house that carries such greats as Louise Hay herself and Dr Wayne Dyer, two of the world’s most recognized names in personal development.

The core product, The Linden Method, has been re-developed, amended and modified many times since 1997 and as technology has moved forward, CL Media has utilized the most up to date electronic delivery platforms to ensure that all clients get what they need when they need it.

The Linden Method has been used by over 200,000 people over 19 years and has been independently tested by Martin Jensen formerly at Kingston University and now at Copenhagen University – he found it to be the most effective anxiety programme available.

The trial concluded that the average improvement experienced was from 18.28 (severe) to 2.84 (normal) using the international GAD-7 anxiety score.According to these results, The Linden Method was shown to be 100% effective at reducing anxiety and just under 100% effective at returning sufferers to normal anxiety levels.

CL Media’s client support is unmatched globally. Only employing qualified, accredited and registered mental health professionals, CL Media present to clients an opportunity to interact with, what we believe to be, the world’s most experienced and qualified anxiety recovery specialists.

Accessible, seamless, high quality guidance is vital to the success of the programs and CL Media have created a unique and uncompromising solution to fit around the client’s requirements and lifestyles.

Conventional anxiety support resources are restricted to providing support, reassurance and coping strategies through the conventional delivery of psychotherapeutic devices such as CBT which encourage the client to discover their own strategies but CL Media’s support is entirely different. The programs empower the client but also focus on providing them with very specific, simple and targeted devices and structure. MD of CL Media and group founder, Charles Linden is published by Hay House Publishing and is internationally recognized as a leading anxiety disorder recovery consultant.

Anxiety Recovery Retreats

Residential & Workshop Recovery Programs

“The Anxiety Recovery Retreats have truly set the standard for residential anxiety care. What we have created is the most incredible experience that, even I, hadn’t envisaged. When we created the format, I knew it would be the ‘no compromise’ resource I wanted but the curative results and life-changes we witness are unprecedented and emotive. We all feel so privileged to be part of it.” Charles Linden. MD and developer of the Retreat programs.

The Anxiety Recovery Retreat format and course content is so unique, so empowering, reassuring, enjoyable and curatively successful that clients wish the experience would never end. Clients are prepared to re-enter their own environments, carrying with them the tools they need to become anxiety disorder free. The course content is administered by one of our lead educators with the assistance of a core team of specialists from across a variety of practices.

Clients receive anxiety recovery guidance and structure, coupled with a raft of wellbeing advice from Coaches covering posture, nutrition, relaxation and a variety of life-coaching practices.

Plans are in place for international expansion of the residential programs format. International organizations are interested in launching the Retreats formats in the USA and Far East. One of our company directors is UK liaison for the Malaysian Government and Tourist Board and is in discussion with the Malaysian government about the launch of Retreats in Kuala Lumpur.

Fast, simple rollout of the Retreats format in multiple locations internationally can be achieved quite quickly and it is our aim to coordinate two East and West Coast USA, two UK, two Central Europe and two Eurasian Retreats per month from January 2015. In 2015, we intend to roll out Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South African based Workshop programs.

There is no doubt that comparatively, what is experienced at the Retreats is unique and an enormous departure from the expected clinical environments normally associated with anxiety disorders treatment but clients state clearly that the Retreat experience is nothing at all like the experiences they have had in private or public health service residential facilities.


Emotivate Health & Wellbeing

Corporate & Educational Programs of Recovery & Wellbeing

Mental health recovery and wellbeing and professional practitioner accreditation through our NCFE educational centre        
Through research and the experience of treating over 209,000 people over two decades, through our home access programmes alone, we have perfected the structure, knowledge base, access, support and compliance policing required to bring about full and systemic removal of emotionally based conditions.        
Helping so many people over such a prolonged period and perfecting the science of recovery through testing, trials and a deep understanding of the physiology of the emotions, has brought about the development of the only accredited, dedicated recovery therapy.        
Our knowledge and science and practical application of them is unique, curative and life-changing.        
Surpassing superficial and inappropriate therapies and medications by accessing the true cause of these conditions, we have perfected the process of making deep systemic, curative modifications to the neurology responsible for inappropriate activation of the negative, 'disorder' element of emotional conditions; thus correcting sensory output which manifest as mental health issues and stress.        
Unmatched results        
The net effect is recovery but the side-effect is a systemic return to full and permanent neurological and physical wellbeing. This enables people to become the people they were meant to be.        
2014 trial results - 100% efficacy at full removal of negative emotional responses.        
Who are we and what do we do?

- NCFE accredited psycho-educational organisation
- LAR practitioner accreditation - Level 4
- Residential programmes
- Workshop programmes (in house and remote)
- Home access mobile enabled portal
- Webinars
- Telephone and email guidance and support
- One-to-one Coaching



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A lasting legacy of physical and psychological benefitsThe tradition of herbal tea making has provided us with masses of robust data around what does and doesn’t provide measurable, genuine physical and mental health benefits. Our teas have been developed to specifications that have been tried and tested over hundreds of years and also by us, through over 20 years of practice.

These teas work because the science lines up! Just try them and see!
